Monday, August 19, 2013

Beach birthday for me!

There's not many places I'd rather be than on a beach. I love the warmth of the sun on my back, the sound of breaking waves, the smell of sunscreen and ocean, and the squishy wet sand between my toes. I think it's safe to say Tenley inherited some of those beach-lovin' genes ;) 

I got to spend my birthday on the Texas coast with my family. My parents rented a beach house and we splashed and played for three days. Tenley couldn't get enough of that goopy sand and I loved every second of seeing her explore a totally new environment. Babies are so fascinating! I feel like she learns or discovers or can do something new every day. Craaazy. 

I had such a relaxing, fun time hanging out with my siblings and parents (and, of course, JD and Tenley). There's not much more I could ask for on my birthday than quality time with the ones I love most. Here's to another year of learning and growing and being a bit better than before!

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